The MYTHS about “cow burps” continue……

Cattle Are NOT the REAL threat when it comes to METHANE... Why does the MYTH continue? Why do people -- whose obvious agenda is to denigrate cattle because they are vegetarian and hate agriculturalists -- continue reporting what is not the clear truth?There's a report...

Lean Beef: A Nutrition Powerhouse, Part II

Think of eating lean beef as taking a multi-vitamin. It's that complex and it's that healing. It's been given such a bad rap that it is unfortunate, for there are many people in the U.S. who are getting insufficient amounts of healthful minerals, vitamins, protein,...

The ROLE of HISTORY……The importance of the PAST.

History is a guide to navigation in perilous times. History is who we are and why we are the way we are. - David C. McCullough In every conceivable manner, the family is link to our past, bridge to our future. - Alex HaleyNever is the truth of such quotes more...



Delightful Valentine’s Day StoryDelightful Valentine’s Day StoryRobyn Echols via Goodreads

Two sisters, one practical and decisive, the other sweet but easily flustered. Sarah is waiting for her Samuel to arrive so they can get married. She finds a stranger wounded and unconscious in the wood pile instead, but it is up to Mary to keep her head and help their uninvited guest. But he is not the last stranger to show up before it is all over. Sweet romance.

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