The Skinny on Fat…..Some Facts

Here are some interesting Facts about Fats, in particular the fat in beef:It’s a misconception that beef’s fatty acids are all saturated fats. In truth, beef is like other foods that contain fat. It has a fatty acid “package” that contains...

The Good News About BEEF and Health!

The good news about beef’s nutrition and its impact on the heart just keeps on coming…..recent studies are showing that:There is no direct evidence that lean beef increases the risk of Cardio Vascular Disease. In fact, recent clinical trials have shown...

Wondering About What Fast Foods are OKAY to EAT???

According to a recent article by Katherine Brooking at, beef can be consumed even at fast food restaurants or drive-throughs, without sacrificing calories or nutrition. Included here are two of her choices for food. So, on your next trip down the...

Wondering About What Fast Foods are OKAY to EAT???

According to a recent article by Katherine Brooking at, beef can be consumed even at fast food restaurants or drive-throughs, without sacrificing calories or nutrition. Included here are two of her choices for food. So, on your next trip down the...

Questions and Answers regarding Beef and Its Safety

The assault on the U.S. beef industry is becoming almost ridiculous…it is and has been one of the safest food/meat products in the world. Far more people fall prey to seafood and chicken and other food sources than they do to beef, but the “horror”...
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