Getting Up to Speed…..

It’s been a long spring and now already summer……and I’ve been so busy with a new book and family, including grandchildren, and the ranch and the work that I’ve neglected keeping up with any of my journaling or blogging…..So, for...

Getting Up to Speed…..

It’s been a long spring and now already summer……and I’ve been so busy with a new book and family, including grandchildren, and the ranch and the work that I’ve neglected keeping up with any of my journaling or blogging…..So, for...

Summer…..a time of growing, giving, doing……

As Summer Begins, it’s time to focus on life…It is a time of growing….and it’s a time of good health and anticipation. We should revel in the magic of this season……so SMILE!And it’s is a time of growing…..gardens, hay,...

“Summer Storm,” a short story by Gail Jenner

How do you avoid letting a situation take control over YOU??? I knew I’d be sorry, but I threw the cup anyway. It exploded as it hit the tile floor. I looked at the fragments and sighed. I was a fool. Sweeping up the pieces, I relived the morning again: Dan,...
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