JENNER FAMILY BEEF is “open for business!”

JENNER FAMILY BEEF is “open for business!”

Jenner Family Beef has officially opened “its doors” for business! Jenner Family Beef offers a unique quality of beef for the quality-seeking consumer.  If you are looking for great beef, check us out…A business created by the “Jenner...

Published Map of the Proposed State of Jefferson in 1941

I recently purchased this old map clipping that appeared in the San Francisco Chronicle. Stanton Delaplane, a young writer, went on to win the Pulitzer Prize for his series of articles written about the young State of Jefferson “movement.” He traveled the...

Remembering What’s Most Important…..

Sometimes it’s hard to remember what’s most important in life. Sometimes what is happening around us moves in in such a way as to strip us of our joy — at least for a while. Lately, life on the ranch has been so stressful that finding time to relax...
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