Lean Beef: A Nutrition Powerhouse, Part II

Think of eating lean beef as taking a multi-vitamin. It’s that complex and it’s that healing. It’s been given such a bad rap that it is unfortunate, for there are many people in the U.S. who are getting insufficient amounts of healthful minerals,...

Questions and Answers regarding Beef and Its Safety

The assault on the U.S. beef industry is becoming almost ridiculous…it is and has been one of the safest food/meat products in the world. Far more people fall prey to seafood and chicken and other food sources than they do to beef, but the “horror”...

Beef is a “GREEN THING”, too!!

Why is it that some people stomp their feet and swear that the beef industry is anti the environment? Please, the facts……For example,The National Cattlemen’s Beef Association has been honoring Environmental Stewardship for 17 (yes, SEVENTEEN) years,...
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