Sustainable Farming……

Well, I’ve been remiss in not keeping up with my blog, but it seems the year has been soooo busy, I’ve procrastinated over and over. NOT that I haven’t had my mind on beef and cattle and ranching! Hardly! This has been a tough year to BE a rancher...

Sustainable Farming……

Well, I’ve been remiss in not keeping up with my blog, but it seems the year has been soooo busy, I’ve procrastinated over and over. NOT that I haven’t had my mind on beef and cattle and ranching! Hardly! This has been a tough year to BE a rancher...

California Agriculture Ranks First in the NATION…..

It’s quite interesting to study statistics. They reveal a lot about what is going on in an industry or population, and in agriculture, this is especially true. Most Americans have no idea about the world of agriculture or what farmers face in terms of challenges...
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