Last night we watched the movie, “The Ultimate Gift.” I hadn’t heard much about it beforehand, so that might be why it touched me even more deeply. The story was one of those “Oh, YES!” movies….a keeper. And it delved into the very subjects that I’ve been contemplating since Christmas and the New Year…..actually the same topices I’ve been dwelling on for months now. That is, Living with a PURPOSE. Living intentionally. Living for more than the acquisition of wealth or whatever. If any of you reading this have not yet seen the film, it is worth watching — with an open heart. Share it with your children, too, and your family. Your grandchildren, if you have them! It takes us back to the core of quality living. I didn’t realize that this film came from a novel and that a whole ‘movement’ has grown out of the novel and film.
On that note, I found this quote that sums up what I often find true about the POWER in writing, too:
“Writing is not life, but I think that sometimes it can be a way back to life.” – Stephen King
As for me, I want to keep that notion foremost in the challenges and choices I make while writing, or while considering what I want to write next.