I’ve wanted to take a script writing course for many months, but it involved traveling hours and spending weekends away from home. I signed up once, then cancelled. But it was my twin sister, perhaps my greatest cheerleader, who said, quite simply, “Just do it!”

Yeah, right. But then I went to my husband whose response, though more lukewarm, was still encouraging. He said, “Well, you’ve been wanting to do this. Maybe you should.”

My writing critique partners echoed my sister’s response. “Absolutely. Go for it!”

So, I signed up. But do you know what happened next? It has been snowing here for days and I have had to postpone my going, at least for this first opening class! Yikes. I emailed the instructor telling her that perhaps I was doomed, but her encouragement was great. She said, “You’re not doomed. And I’ll catch you up in two weeks.” Not only that, but I’m going to STAY at her home the night before and we’ll work on the assignments she has given me to do until then.

The lesson? Easy to see. Sometimes obstacles are not obstacles, but actually stepping stones. We have to go forward in spite of them. And, in the words of others:

“Whatever you want in life, you must give up
something to get it. The greater the value, the
greater the sacrifice required of you.
Everything has a price.”

That means, yes, giving up a few weekends may seem costly, but in the end, will be a very small price for the experience and opportunity gained through this class!

“There’s a price to pay if you want to make
things better, and a price to pay for just
leaving things as they are.”

If I DIDN’T take this class, there would also be a price to pay! Yes, indeed. I would not be moving toward the goals I’ve set for myself. I’d be stuck in the same place I’ve wallowed for the last year…..

And, finally:

“Nothing worthwhile ever comes easily.”

That’s right! That’s something we must all remember, every time we want to attempt something new. Mistakes have to be made if we’re going to achieve those small ‘impossible’ dreams!

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