It’s been hard to write this Fall. Don’t know why, exactly, but perhaps because it’s been crowded with tons of emotions…..several major losses and challenges. But now, as Christmas is almost here, it’s hard NOT to feel the joy of the Season. It’s time to make Lemonade out of all that has transpired and place feet firmly on the ground. It’s time to shake off the melancholy and dig deep for the JOY that is right before us.

After all, there has been more than an abundant reasons to feel great joy!

We have a new grandson (we now have 5 grandchildren!); there was a family wedding; we also have a new grand-nephew. In addition, there have been a host of wondrous and wonderful moments in the last months, too.

Our 3 year old grandson helped us decorate the Christmas tree; our son and daughter-in-law flipped on the Christmas music and we all reached in for more ornaments. What a magical moment as he watched the lights go on, his big eyes reflecting the pure pleasure of such wonder. He was quite busy helping “Papa” with the lights and equally proud of himself for being such a good helper. Such a little thing, but such a big thing. Such a magnificent thing, really.

As adults, we take for granted those old memories of Christmases Past… Scrooges, we covet what we don’t need, worry over the strangest assortment of irrelevant things, and forget the real purpose of the Season.

It is the Advent Season: the coming of Christ into the world…..the dawning of HOPE and the miraculous opportunity for men and women to re-awaken to a relationship with God. Wow….I mean, WOW!

Maybe it’s time we take a second look at that Christmas tree, all decked out in its finery! Maybe it’s time we make some Lemonade — or maybe some hot chocolate — and turn on the music. Maybe time to sit down and contemplate what GIFTS we’ve already been given. Are we looking in all the wrong places for the wonder of the Season?

Merry Christmas to All….

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