Nan Hawthorne’s Booking the Middle Ages: Historical Fiction Round Up, Holiday Gift Edition – Hello Nan!
Wanted to share my latest novel: BLACK BART: THE POET BANDIT…..NOT the story of the pirate Black Bart, but the story of California’s most elusive and successful stage bandit who left poetry at the site of a few of his holdups AND never held up a passenger. He was also known as the gentleman bandit and used a plugged shotgun. Was a fascinating fellow and this novel is the first full novel written about him. There have been hundreds of articles about him, and a couple nonfiction accounts of his robberies, but this book, which I co-authored with Lou Legerton, is about Charles E. Boles, aka Black Bart.

It’s been receiving some good reviews. My first novel, ACROSS THE SWEET GRASS HILLS, is also an historical fiction, but is a romantic drama, based around the infamous Marias Massacre in 1869 in Montana. It won the 2002 WILLA Literary Award for Best Softcover Fiction, from Women Writing the West.

Thanks for letting me share!
Gail L. Jenner

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