Earth Day is EVERYDAY for Cattle Ranchers and Farmers!

Cattle ranchers and farmers are considered to be one of the greenest professions from a diverse list of jobs, according to a recent survey. Cattle ranchers were selected as the third greenest profession from a diverse list of jobs, with park rangers topping the list....

The MYTHS about “cow burps” continue……

Cattle Are NOT the REAL threat when it comes to METHANE… Why does the MYTH continue? Why do people — whose obvious agenda is to denigrate cattle because they are vegetarian and hate agriculturalists — continue reporting what is not the clear...
State of Jefferson – Interesting Facts!

State of Jefferson – Interesting Facts!

Farming and Ranching in the State of Jefferson and Around the Country! Check out these interesting facts, some little known! The State of Jefferson is a land of resources and resourceful people! One of the industries that makes significant contributions is ranching....
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