by Gail Jenner | Aug 18, 2010 | Blog
I want to pass this message on…..for those who don’t understand how disastrous increased and/or re-instated estate taxes will be on agriculturalists — multi-generational farmers and ranchers who hope to pass their farmland on to their children. If...
by Gail Jenner | Aug 28, 2009 | Blog
I have included the blog from friend Jeff Fowle, with his permission; Jeff wrote in response to the ridiculously biased and unfounded article recently published in TIME magazine, “Getting Real About the High Price of Cheap Food.” The article has created...
by Gail Jenner | Aug 1, 2009 | Blog
This is more than a blog….this is a plea. I’m sharing a letter from a rancher in CA. Since our governor has recently vetoed the Williamson Act, farmers and ranchers all over the state are STUNNED. The Act was created to preserve farmland and to preserve...
by Gail Jenner | Aug 17, 2008 | Blog
The number of farms in the United States in 2007 is estimated at 2.08 million, 0.6 percent fewer than in 2006. Total land in farms, at 930.9 million acres, decreased 1.5 million acres, or 0.16 percent, from 2006. The average farm size was 449 acres during 2007, an...