by Gail Jenner | Mar 14, 2010 | Blog
Well, Jefferson-staters, there will be a new publication hitting the stands in the next month or two, which targets the region we all love — the State of Jefferson! It is being called JEFFERSON BACKROADS and is being published and edited by Michelle Fain....
by Gail Jenner | Jan 15, 2010 | Blog
It’s certainly interesting to do a little web search on the topic of the State of Jefferson. It seems that there are a few “start up” groups popping up here and there. Does that mean the discussion is not yet over? Locals in the heart of the region...
by Gail Jenner | Jul 21, 2009 | Blog
The State of Jefferson IS more than a fantasy and it is more than a place….it is, as so many have said, a state of mind. However, that state of mind is deeply embedded in a location, a place. The State of Jefferson encompasses much of the northern portion of...
by Gail Jenner | Oct 28, 2008 | Blog
Well, the State of Jefferson has made headlines — again. Several weeks ago, we received a phone call, from the S.F. Chronicle. As a result, Kevin Fagan and a photographer came up and visited the land to the north.He interviewed people throughout the area and...
by Gail Jenner | Aug 24, 2008 | Blog
I’ve often been asked, “What is the State of Jefferson?” “Is it REAL?” Let me share the opening from IMAGES OF THE STATE OF JEFFERSON, the book I co-authored with Bernita Tickner. We sold the book to Arcadia Publishing and it was released...