by Gail Jenner | Jul 21, 2009 | Blog
The State of Jefferson IS more than a fantasy and it is more than a place….it is, as so many have said, a state of mind. However, that state of mind is deeply embedded in a location, a place. The State of Jefferson encompasses much of the northern portion of...
by Gail Jenner | Jul 4, 2009 | Blog
Thought I’d spread the word about Brian Petersen’s blog on the State of Jefferson…..Brian has been a major player in the State of Jefferson movement for the last several years and a good spokesperson for the concept.His blog would be a good one to...
by Gail Jenner | Dec 22, 2008 | Blog
Well, December has been a wondrous month in the heart of Jefferson. We’ve had a round or two of fresh snow, which hopefully means a winter full of strong weather. Like so many places, we’ve had our share of drought, but looking up at Mount Shasta, robed in...
by Gail Jenner | Aug 24, 2008 | Blog
I’ve often been asked, “What is the State of Jefferson?” “Is it REAL?” Let me share the opening from IMAGES OF THE STATE OF JEFFERSON, the book I co-authored with Bernita Tickner. We sold the book to Arcadia Publishing and it was released...